You'll get it down with enough practice! But do be warned: Sometimes luck is just not on your side, and you will get killed (such as when you're looking at the cameras and don't notice a bot until it's too late). If you're putting the mask on as quickly as you can (in most instances), try to wait until the lights are completely back to normal before taking it off.Ī lot of this is situational, but keep the above in mind.Don't look at the cameras for too long if you know or think the old bots are around.I do mean you have to put the mask on fast.If you know an old bot is coming, wind up the music box a bit before they get to you so you have time to sit in the mask.Genre: FNaF all parts / Top Horror Games / Horror games for weak PC. Now, some people claim to have issues even when doing this. Download FNaF 2 on PC in Russian with a cracked game for PC, without viruses and SMS, you can follow the link below. This takes some practice, but will keep you safe more often than not as the game ramps up in difficulty. This is especially important as you enter nights 5 and 6, which are ruthless. One big thing to get into the habit of is to switch to the mask immediately after looking at the cameras. Do not take it off until the lights finish flashing and return to their normal brightness. You need to put the mask up immediately, with no hesitation. The trick is more simple than you might think: So how are you supposed to deal with the old bots? Putting your mask up seems to get you killed, shining the light on them gets you killed, and looking at the cameras gets you killed, so.